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It's good to have choices

The Energy Choice program enables you to buy your gas from a competitive retail supplier. Enbridge Gas Ohio will continue to deliver your natural gas; respond to service and emergency needs; read your meter and provide customer service and billing.

Understand your Energy Choice options in Ohio

Understand your Energy Choice option

Understand your Energy Choice Option

Enbridge Gas Ohio bill - monthly usage comparison section

Understand your Energy Choice option

The three options for residential customers include:

Standard Choice Offer (SCO)

SCO is the default rate that customers who are eligible for Energy Choice but have not chosen a supplier or joined a municipal aggregation program, pay for their natural gas consumption. The SCO rate is a variable rate determined monthly by the market price for gas (i.e.,, the NYMEX futures month-end settlement price) plus a retail price adjustment determined in an annual auction process. This option is available to residential customers annual usage of 200 mcf or less.

  • Rate type: Variable
  • Eligibility: Residential customers
  • Early termination fee: No

How do I enroll?
Assigned by Enbridge Gas Ohio to residential customers if supplier agreement or aggregation program expires and new supplier is not chosen. Customers may elect this rate by contacting Enbridge Gas Ohio.

Energy Choice Agreement

An Energy Choice Agreement, or contract, is an arrangement for setting the cost of natural gas between a supplier and a customer. These agreements can have a fixed rate, a variable rate, or a combination of both. A fixed rate remains the same each month for the duration of the contact, while variable rates can change depending on the nature of the agreement. Some agreements can even have a combination: a fixed price for a period of time and then variable afterwards, for example.

  • Rate type: Fixed and/or variable
  • Eligibility: All customers*
  • Early termination fee: Possible**

How do I enroll?
Contact supplier of your choice.


Another option to consider when shopping for natural gas is joining an aggregation buying group if one is available in your area. A large buying group may be able to get a better price for the group members than you might get on your own, and it may include other benefits such as energy use analysis and management. Typically, when local governments organize aggregation programs they will appear as a ballot issue and, if passed, generally are initiated on an opt-out basis, which means residents are automatically enrolled unless they choose not to participate by replying to the opt-out notice. Opt-in aggregation programs enable customers to join on an individual basis at the customer's specific request.

  • Rate type: Fixed and/or variable
  • Eligibility: Select geographic areas*
  • Early termination fee: Possible**

How do I enroll?
Contact a participating supplier.

* Customers on a payment plan are eligible if they are current on their plan payments. Other customers with arrearages can participate in Energy Choice if they have not broken more than one payment plan in the past 12 months, and they will be put on a new payment plan. Customers on the Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP Plus) are not eligible for the Energy Choice program.
** Early termination fees vary by supplier and by agreement. Contact the supplier listed on your bill for details.

Understand your Energy Choice option

Options for business customers include:

Standard Choice Offer (SCO)

SCO is the default rate that customers who are eligible for Energy Choice but have not chosen a supplier or joined a municipal aggregation program, pay for their natural gas consumption. The SCO rate is a variable rate determined monthly by the market price for gas (i.e. the NYMEX futures month-end settlement price) plus a retail price adjustment determined in an annual auction process. to nonresidential customer with annual usage of 200 mcf or less. It may also be elected by medium nonresidential customers with annual usage of more than 200 mcf and up to 500 mcf by contacting Enbridge Gas Ohio.

  • Rate type: Variable
  • Eligibility: Small and medium business customers
  • Early termination fee: No

How do I enroll?
Assigned by Enbridge Gas to small business customers if supplier agreement or aggregation program expires and new supplier is not chosen. Small and medium business customers may elect this rate by contacting Enbridge Gas.

Energy Choice Agreement

An Energy Choice Agreement, or contract, is an arrangement for setting the cost of natural gas between a supplier and a customer. These agreements can have a fixed rate, a variable rate, or a combination of both. A fixed rate remains the same each month for the duration of the contact, while variable rates can change depending on the nature of the agreement. Some agreements can even have a combination: a fixed price for a period of time and then variable afterwards, for example.

  • Rate type: Fixed and/or variable
  • Eligibility: All customers*
  • Early termination fee: Possible**

How do I enroll?
Contact supplier of your choice.


An aggregation buying group may be able to get a better price for the group members than you might get on your own, and it may include other benefits such as energy use analysis and management. Typically, when local governments organize aggregation programs they will appear as a ballot issue and, if passed, generally are initiated on an opt-out basis, which means residents are automatically enrolled unless they choose not to participate by replying to the opt-out notice. Opt-in aggregation programs enable customers to join on an individual basis at the customer's specific request.

  • Rate type: Fixed and/or variable
  • Eligibility: Select geographic areas*
  • Early termination fee: Possible**

How do I enroll?
Contact a participating supplier.

Monthly Retail Rate (MRR)

The MRR replaced the Monthly Variable Rate (MVR) program in July 2020. Customers on the MRR are charged the lower of the monthly variable rate submitted by their assigned MRR supplier or a “median MRR price” if the participating supplier's submitted rate is higher. The median MRR price is determined each month on the median of each MRR supplier's lowest monthly variable rate offer posted on the PUCO's Energy Choice Ohio website. All MRR suppliers must charge a variable rate at or below the median MRR determined for each month. More information regarding the MRR may be found in Enbridge Gas Ohio's tariffs.

  • Rate type: Variable (determined by the MRR price)
  • Eligibility: Medium and large business customers***
  • Early termination fee: No

How do I enroll?
Assigned by Enbridge Gas if supplier agreement or aggregation program expires and new supplier is not chosen.

* Customers on a payment plan are eligible if they are current on their plan payments. Other customers with arrearages can participate in Energy Choice if they have not broken more than one payment plan in the past 12 months, and they will be put on a new payment plan.
** Early termination fees vary by supplier and by agreement. Contact the supplier listed on your bill for details.
*** Medium business customers have annual usage of more than 200 mcf but less than or equal to 500 mcf; large business customers have annual usage greater than 500 mcf.

Already understand how Energy Choice works and your current Energy Choice option?

When you have identified your current rate plan, investigated any potential fees for changing, and have made an informed decision on the option that is best for you, you will need to choose and communicate that choice. If you are satisfied with your current option, no further action is necessary.

Frequently asked questions

Energy Choice allows you to comparison shop for natural gas just like you do for other goods and services. With Energy Choice, customers from large manufacturers to residential homeowners are able to shop for natural gas supply options from a diverse group of competitive retail suppliers certified by the PUCO. Although you buy your gas from a retail supplier under this program, Enbridge Gas will continue to deliver your natural gas; respond to service and emergency needs; read your meter and provide customer service and billing.

Participants must be Enbridge Gas Ohio customers and they must be current with their payments (no past-due balances outside of a payment plan) to Enbridge Gas Ohio in order to participate in the Energy Choice program. Customers with arrears that have not broken more than one payment plan in the past 12-months may participate in Energy Choice but will be placed on a new payment plan and must remain current. Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) Plus and Graduate PIPP Plus customers are ineligible to participate in the Energy Choice program.

  1. Select a certified natural gas supplier and enroll in an Energy Choice agreement with that supplier.
  2. Join a Governmental Aggregation, or "group buying," program if one is available to you.
  3. Default to or choose service under the Standard Choice Offer (SCO), if eligible. (Residential and small nonresidential customers will default to SCO if a natural gas supplier or Aggregation program is not selected.)
  4. Default to service under the Monthly Retail Rate (medium and large nonresidential customers). *Medium nonresidential customers can elect the SCO instead of the MRR.

“Certified natural gas suppliers” are competitive retail natural gas suppliers that have been certified by the PUCO to participate in the Energy Choice program.

Before you make any changes to your Energy Choice agreement, please review our Supplier question checklist located within the “Choose” tab.

Energy Choice is an opportunity to manage your gas costs through selection of a rate plan that works for you. If you are eligible to participate in the Energy Choice program and do not choose a supplier, one will still be assigned to you. You will still receive the same reliable natural gas service, but you won’t be selecting from whom you buy the natural gas. Although customers are not required to shop, Enbridge Gas Ohio encourages customers to review available options periodically to ensure they are making informed decisions about their natural gas costs.

Absolutely not. Although you purchase your gas from a retail supplier, Enbridge Gas Ohio will continue to deliver the natural gas to your home, respond to any emergencies, and provide customer service.

You may be able to enroll directly with the supplier by telephone, mail, fax, Internet or through a door-to-door representative. Whichever method is used, it is critical that you obtain a copy of your contract and keep it through the duration of your service contract. Once you've enrolled with a supplier, the supplier will notify Enbridge Gas Ohio of the switch. We will then mail you a letter confirming your choice to purchase natural gas from a competitive retail natural gas supplier, the supplier chosen and the date the switch will become effective. You then have seven business days from the postmark date on that letter to cancel your contract without penalty. To cancel the contract, you must contact Enbridge Gas Ohio.

There are many factors that influence the price of gas, including weather, the popularity of natural gas in homes and businesses, supply and demand, and competing fuels such as oil, coal, and renewable forms of energy.

Yes. You can switch to another natural gas supplier at any time, but if you are receiving service under an Energy Choice agreement or through a governmental aggregation program, there may be penalties for doing so. Depending on the supplier, you may be charged a cancellation fee to end your contract early. Check your contract to determine the amount of the fee. If you move directly from one natural gas supplier to another, the actual switch may take up to two billing cycles. At no time during the switch should you experience a disruption in your natural gas service. There is no termination fee to switch from the SCO or MRR to an Energy Choice agreement with a selected supplier.

Some low-cost or no-cost ways to save energy and money include:

  • Adjust the thermostat temperature settings: You can save as much as 1 percent for every degree you lower your thermostat.
  • Furnace efficiency: Newer, higher-efficiency furnaces use less natural gas than older, less-efficient furnaces.
  • Home insulation: Well-insulated homes use less natural gas for heating than poorly insulated homes.

Yes, there are a number of programs that income-eligible residential customers can apply for including HEAP, PIPP Plus and EnergyShare Customers can apply for HEAP and PIPP Plus by calling the Ohio Department of Development at 800-282-0880. To apply for EnergyShare, customers can contact their local Salvation Army.

Opting out of supplier lists can be performed by signing into Manage Your Account. Once you sign in, navigate to Edit Account Settings and select “Opt-In/Out of Supplier Lists”. Customers who opt out of supplier lists will block their information from being released for Energy Choice and governmental aggregation solicitations. However, this does not prevent a supplier from getting the customer's information from another source or using information from a previous list. Phone numbers are not included on supplier lists.

Contact us

Enbridge Gas Ohio

We are here to help you learn, compare and choose the right option for you. If there are still questions, we want to hear from you.

An email enclosed in a gold circle.

Email us

Submit any questions, feedback or concerns with your supplier using the Customer Care request form.

A call center agent in a headset in a grey circle.

Call us

Inquiries: 1-800-362-7557
7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday – Friday
Hearing impaired customers: Call 711
Emergency services: 1-877-542-2630
24 hours a day, everyday.

A pen and paper set within a circle, illustrating themes of writing and note-taking.


Enbridge Gas Ohio
PO Box 5759
Cleveland, OH 44101-0759

Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO)

The PUCO provides information about utility payment plans, the rules governing utility companies, and other relevant information.

A call center agent in a headset in a grey circle.


Inquiries: 1-800-686-7826
8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday – Friday
Hearing impaired customers: Call 711

A pen and paper set within a circle, illustrating themes of writing and note-taking.


Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
Attn: IAD
180 E. Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43215-3793

Ohio Consumers Counsel (OCC)

The OCC provides information relating to residential utilities: electric, natural gas, telephone and water.

A call center agent in a headset in a grey circle.


Inquiries: 1-800-686-7826

A pen and paper set within a circle, illustrating themes of writing and note-taking.


Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel
65 E. State Street, 7th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-4213

Customers should discuss questions, feedback or concerns with their supplier directly.

If you have feedback about our Energy Choice program or an unresolved or other complaint about a supplier, let us know.